
Early Sun

Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama
Click the pictures to enlarge them.

The walk started very early this morning. The air was nicely brisk. As we turned the corner heading out of the campground trees this was the sunrise greeting us across the soccer fields. Now this is a good way to start the day isn’t it.

As the walk continued onward it seemed that a new sun scene happened every three minutes. All of them were beautiful. It was as if Alabama was celebrating the Teams soon rolling on down the road.

It was surprising how many folks were out and about before 0700 this morning. A nice fellow came riding up on his recumbent tricycle. His name was Bob. We visited a minute or two and then 91 year old Bob briskly peddled on down the path. WOW!

We hit the path along the creek and more pictures kept on climbing into the camera. Every opening in the tree line gave a new morning picture. The air was calm and the water assisted in making the pictures better. 

Out of all the pictures we chose this 3 suns picture for our readers to enjoy. The top sun is the real sun. The lower two are reflections from the water. the gold color is what the real sun caused. The OFM did no modifying except one cropping. It is a beautiful scene and there were several before the walk was over.

The walk was wonderful and we made good time all the way back to the Castle. It was visit the family day and we had a good time of it. Lunch was at Zoe’s in Huntsville where the OFM has a Gruben sandwich with potato salad side. Both of the items are really good.  Needless to say it was a very satisfying meal. Gavin shared a huge chocolate chip cookie with the family. From the grins all around it must have been very good also.

Piper and Gavin are learning very fast about trying to have tooooo much fun.

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