
The Famous Ice Cream Kid

Adventure Location:  North Alabama

Grandson Gavin was on a hyper active fit when the OFM (grandpa) got to their home. He has a new run over everything remote control wheeled toy that sort of reminded the OFM of a farm tractor. That thing could hit hyperspace speeds.

 After a few minutes of wild activity grandpa was given Piper to hold. Pretty quick Piper let it be known she wanted in on the floor action and that crazy fast moving machine. Piper is not quite 4 months old but she was raring to get going in the action.

Grandpa held her so she could feel the rug with her feet. Those little legs got busy trying to run after the wheeled toy. The OFM had to hold her back.  In another couple of minutes she had figured how to stand on her own legs. Trying to walk was a not yet event, but she was working hard on it. On top of that she is about 148 pounds of pure muscle. She has really done a huge amount of developing in the last two weeks.

Here we are just as she was getting ready to leap from the OFM lap and into the action.

Here I Come

Later we hit a local burger joint that also has good onion rings. This time a single order of onion rings was about a two quart bowl full. Yep the OFM piggggggged out. The next thing we knew Gavin was asking for an ice cream cone. So we headed over to the ice cream counter and Gavin chose some wild concoction of ice cream with all sorts of toppings. He got it back to the table and went to work. That boy can chow down on an ice cream cone.

The Ice Cream Kid

Finally the food was all eaten and Piper was starting to demand her food. So we headed back to the home front. The rest of us went around playing things and Piper and Mom went to the feeding station.

Gavin is now in the tooth losing stage of life and getting a kick out of it. Since he started kindergarten he has really changed. He now gets intermixed with a lot of other kids of different ages. It is good to see him starting to mature some. It gives us more ways to work together at trying to have tooooo much fun.

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