
Busy Times

Adventure Location:  Decatur, Alabama

The Team camera’s battery charger cratered about a week ago. The next day a new one was ordered but had a couple of day back order required. In the mean time the camera ran one battery to 0% charge. The second battery hit 10% a couple of days ago. So we were without picture taking ability for a while.

The new charger arrived yesterday while the Teams were out with the grand kids and parents  looking for another good time. When the OFM got back to the campground, he had a notice the charger was in. So this morning the OFM sauntered on down to the office to pick up the charger. While he was there he got reminded that his rent was due YESTERDAY.  So he whipped out his well worn credit card and paid for another 30 days of Decatur thrills.

After all that excitement and the the nice cool air inviting us to take a camera walk, the OFM decided to see what we could see. Many pictures were  taken and are still in Camera. Then the OFM went to play golf and poop himself out. So the pictures are on the agenda for tomorrow, as well as more golf, riding Beautiful Bike, and whatever other nonsense the OFM can figure out to do.

This nice cooler air is great for causing the Teams to head out trying to have tooooo much fun.

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