

Adventure Location:  Decatur, Alabama

Billy Bob has posted a “I’m alive” post on his blog.

The new camera battery charger has performed very well and the old camera is functioning again. The cooler air this morning lead to a couple of miles of walking and a few pictures taken. This picture is of the area of Flint Creek just as a finger of water heads in to the campground.

This is another slough nearby that made a great reflection as you can see. Yes up is toward the top of the picture.  It was very still at the time of the picture.

The OFM got going and spent about an hour and a half walking and looking for pictures hiding in the area. We did not bother measuring the distance but we did head on back to the Castle when the knees said to. We hope that every one likes the pictures. More should be on the way soon.

This evening the OFM did a nice amount of golf practice in a gentle manner. Notice how he has been getting BIG into this gentle stuff lately. He has lately been giving so thought to hitting up the souther Arizona for a couple of weeks. If you have something he might should know please leave a comment or three. He has driven through the area a couple of times in his past lives but never been there boondocking. 

He has a little maintenance work to do for his DIL on some of her knives and scissors but that is a gentle task that he likes doing. Other than that we have no big plans beyond leaving at the end of the month for the Rockport flounder run in November.
Everyone please try to have tooooo much fun like we do.

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