
The Ultra Efficient Log Finder

Adventure Location:  North Alabama

Our day started out slow but quickly hit overdrive. One real time burner was Christmas shopping. There are not many places for Christmas shopping out in the remote deserts of the USA. So the Teams are trying to get that done before rolling day.

After a minimally successful shopping day, the OFM needed a nice walk to settle his nerves. As we meandered around the park a trail came into view that we had looked at about 6 years ago as it was being plotted through the woods. It is finished now and has been a couple of years at least. So we took it with a freshly charged camera.

It is not a long trail. Less than a mile is our guess but it was a marvelous trail. The OFM found out that when you are looking for the birds in the trees his wonderfully performing shin can find pointy logs next to the trail very well. The while you are watching the many tree rats playing in the leaves, his baseball cap “protected” head can find the broken limbs hanging down next to the trail all too often. It made for an interesting meander.  The good part is the OFM took about 65 pictures on that trail alone today. 

Nope we have not had time to work over that bunch of pictures or the ones taken earlier of a short walk early this morning. Like we said, it has been a busy day.

Then tonight the OFM decided to cook for a change. He had almost forgotten how, but not quite.

It came out just fine. The Cod was not prepared just perfectly but very adequately. Probably getting back in practice will help a lot.

We did have a look how much time we need for our current traveling meanders goals this winter and spring. As of right now we will be rolling 10-30-2017 and will need six weeks of time to do what we know we want to do. That means we only have a spare 6 months of roaming until we need to head back to North Alabama for the birthdays. Whatever will we do for trying to have tooooo much fun?

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