
Much Better

Adventure Location:  North Alabama

Lots of good news tonight. First the health news. The OFM was feeling very good today. All the symptoms of flu/pneumonia were gone when he awoke early this morning. So early and full of energy that he had breakfast eaten, the Castle straightened up, the laundry washed and put away and was planning the rest of the days chores when he noticed it was 0856 is all.WOW.

Yesterday during a walk we met a very nice young man. While we were visiting he landed the biggest Large Mouth Bass we have seen landed from Flint Creek. Here he is with the Big Bass.

After a little more visiting, the Teams went on their way.

During the shopping for some Christmas present wrapping paper, the OFM ran across a Walmart close out deal on a toaster oven for $15. He has had two in the past and really liked using them when we had 120 volt electric available. So here is our newest Team member.

We have already done the break in run and it is ready to cook. Some of our frozen salmon sounds like a great first meal to prepare to us. What do you think?

We do not know our check in date in Rockport yet! Since the OFM Teams can be flexible about the arrival date, the campground owner wanted to talk to the current site renter to find out when is their exact date of leaving. She knows +\- three days but the exact date had not yet been set when she contacted the OFM and the Teams agreed to come there. 

How good is the OFM feeling? He is feeling good enough he played and walked 9 holes of golf in an hour and a half this afternoon and shot a 45 for a score. That is a 3.5 mile walk up and down and around. We might be able to get in another 8 or so 9 hole rounds before we have to leave. Playing golf in 69-71 degree temps is a pretty good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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