
Silly Nonsense


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 12-01-2022

December is finally here and hopefully this month will have full recovery from the August 23 office chair attack on the OFM's right eye. Five more days until the final verdict we hope. Otherwise we will just push on toward healing eventually. We are not down but definitely tired of the slow healing and screwed up eyesight.

Today was aa cold damp day all day. In mid afternoon the OFM bundled up and went for a walk in spite of the cold and slight wind blowing. The sun was shinning brightly but when we got to the trail at the creek the breeze turned frigid to say the least. BRRRR.

Any way we got a couple of pictures. This one is of a pile of vegetation up high in the tree limbs. There is a lot of them scattered around the area and all of them are way up in the tree. Over the years the OFM has been told they are nests for critters. What critters they were we have never gotten a good answer! Since our readers are the sharpest folks on earth we are asking for what the real answer is.

We finished a shortened walk of about 1.5 miles but the chill down on the trail along the creek was just too much for this Texas coastal raised fellow. So we cut it short and headed back to the heated Castle. As we got to the back entrance to the campground this silly thought hit the OFM between the eyes as he looked up the road.

We do not here it often at this location but it is still said frequently by new campers that use full hookups all the time.....We go camping to get away from it all.

Check that picture above of this campground with the usual full hookups and make sense of the “get away from it all”. We can't. We come to campgrounds like this to be near something or somebody—grandkids in our case-- and not have to stay in motels.

Camping allows a person lots of extra opportunities that we like that moteling does not allow for.

Now you see what waiting on healing can do to a meandering mind if the meanderthall doesn't watch out. The OFM needs to concentrate on trying to have tooooo much fun we think.


  1. Could be that some of those campers might be getting away from something, like COLD weather. Anyway, weather has been up and down here. 70 one day, 50 the next. As usual. But nothing brutal. I'm going to guess that's a squirrel's nest. Bayfield Bunch probably knows what a squirrel's nest looks like. Ha. Ours are not so full of big leaves, but maybe that's because there aren't very many big leaves around here.....big leaves mean water for the trees. Anyway, hang in there on the eyes. I've been one-eyed, essentially, since I was a toddler. But loss of one is harder I am sure if you are older. I once knew a one-armed carpenter. No kidding, But he'd lost his arm before he was about 6. Kids have longer to deal with it and accomodate.....

    1. I saw where you might be about to get some flooding amounts of rain soon. Good luck.

    2. Really??? Well, yes, I saw a NWS map that showed that, but I am very very skeptical. We've been in drought, though not as bad as the last one in 2011. Still it could happen.

  2. Grey squirrel bed. They build them in the Spring to raise their young. Use them in the Winter for shelter. Wishing you a wonderful doctor's report next week so you can get back on the road. There's lots of fun out there, still.....jc

    1. Thank you Jerry. We have grey squirrels here. I live in a neighborhood with lots of pecan trees. That = grey squirrels. But I wasn't sure.
