
Frozen Sewer Valves


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Adventure Date: 12-25-2022

Now that the temps are easing slightly we have been doing better with the inside temp. 10F outside was a minor heating effort. But 4F outside had us turning the two heaters to the 1000 watt setting to keep up with the outside cold. Today with outside temps around 29F we reset the two heaters to the 500 watt settings and they were able to keep up easily.

The opening we uncovered in the checking of the water heater for cold weather operation has been put back to normal. The seat cushion support and then the seat cushion has been reinstalled at the table. Here is what it looks like now.

This morning we had to fix some food for lunch and supper since the whole world around here was shut down. So it was chicken stoup time. We had lots of nice vegetables in the refrigerator and the OFM got busy chopping them up while the chicken breasts poached in the cooking pot. By the time the OFM got through putting stuff into the pot it was a full 2 liter pot.

And by doggies it was excellent we found out at supper. Tortillas were use to sop up the last drippings in our supper bowl.

We had a new to us happening due to the low temps of cold. Our waste tank dump valves froze in position. We dribble water for freeze protection on the fresh water hose so the gray water tank had the valve open so the dribbled water could run on out to the sewer. It froze in that position

The black water valve was closed so the waste would have time to break down and emulsify so it would flow out properly with a full or near full tank. It froze in the closed position.

We got it to loosen up by putting a couple of pots of boiling water into the tank through the toilet. That and a half hour of waiting got things loosened up and flowing well.

So as of dark tonight everything was OK onboard the Castle.

So doesn't this sound like a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun on Christmas day.


  1. oh brr. I can't believe it got that cold there. I think of the lower South as always being warmer than TX. Guess not. Glad you've been able to keep things operational. Including yourself, with a fine looking soup.
