


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 12-03-2022

Today turned out to be a really big day. It started with taking Christmas presents to the Grand kids and parents. We got there right on time and the only firm plan was to eat lunch out at Sandaval's Mexican restaurant in Huntsville Al. It was really excellent and we had fun for sure.

Back home it was time to open the Christmas presents. So we sat at the big dinner table where the grands do their table required crafty things.

Presents were opened and lots of oh wow happened. Then the OFM was updated on a few things. Grand daughter Piper has been upgraded to the next level of gymnastics and had to get special permission to go above her normal max level of competition. The kid is very athletically inclined and is proving it.

Her older brother Gavin is headed to Birmingham Al. in a week for his first gymnastics competition. He is expected to finish fairly high in his competition. He is competing one level above his grade level also.

Gavin showed the OFM an effort he is doing on the side. He is writing and illustrating short story comics. We enjoyed some of his work and he has lots of other ideas of things he wants to do also. His first collection of his stories is finished but the OFM eyesight was giving him trouble so they will wait for the next visit before the OFM gets to read all of them.

And the OFM thought he was a busy person. At least the Grands know how to try to have tooooo much fun at an early age.

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