
Where are my glasses?


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 12-12-2022

Another day of waiting for the OFM's new glasses to show up. Until the glasses show up and are verified correct we cannot set a traveling date. Then of course a big winter front is moving this way to make things ugly for trailering. We are trying to be patient but it does not come naturally.

We did get a nice break in the weather and got in nearly 3 miles of gentle paced walking today.

Just past the start of the gravel trail is a large tree with big limbs waiting to fall on a target. Well it took a shot at something last night but we did not see any casualty in the area. The next pic shows the location the limbs used to be about 18 feet up the tree trunk.

Then this next picture is where the limb ended up near Flint Creek. We think it did not damage any humans with this limb.

 Next to the trunk of the tree is a much smaller limb of about five inches that is right at the edge of the walking trail. That one could have scared a walker pretty well when it came down,

During the walk we saw quite a few limbs up to about five inches that had fallen recently. Our guess is in the couple of miles we walked on this section of the trail we saw 15 freshly downed limbs.

In the last few days the trees have been hosting lots of different funguses growing on their trunks and limbs. This one next was shot with a telephoto shot but the fungus was about 15 inches long and six inches in diameter. The odd shape and coloration caught our attention.

To our surprise, since we passed this spot yesterday someone has come along and decorated one of the natural growing trees for Christmas. It is cute and we liked it.

Yesterday's lunch was so good that we had to do something similar again today. And yep it was just as good again. The hot tea really hits the spot with the OFM.

OK we think we need to work really hard at trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow instead of fretting about the glasses getting here.



  1. Please don't bring any cold weather with you to Texas. We have a front coming through tomorrow so I won't blame that one on you.

    1. For the moment most of that front goes just north of us and follows the Tennessee river valley.
