
Glasses Report


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 12-13-2022

We failed to get in a walk or take any pictures but we did go shopping at Walmart and hit up Lawlers for baked potato day. Yep lunch and supper from one potato. Sure was good too.

The call that the glasses had arrived came in and away we went to gather them up. At the Vision center the OFM was excited to get to put the new glasses on. Then he decided they must be playing a joke on him since the prescription seemed to have nothing to do with his needs. But the tech took the glasses into the shop and checked the lenses. Sure enough they matched the prescription the OFM was given by the Eye Center in Huntsville.

Now what? The tech and the OFM decided that the lady of well proven prescription accuracy should take a look at the OFM's eyes and see what she comes up with for a correct prescription. Sounds like a good idea since she has nailed the OFM prescription twice before.

She wanted a copy of the records from all the treatments at the Eye Center before she does the exam. So now we have an appointment for mid day Thursday to start on getting a look at the prescription she recommends. What a mess!

However the OFM now will not be leaving Decatur until he gets some decent eyesight for traveling. But another change is in the air developing. As many folks have said to the OFM you have already been every where you wanted to go and done everything you wanted to do at least twice. Well it is more like four times and the OFM is having trouble getting too excited about being anywhere he has had numerous visits at. His ability to fall nowadays is also a factor that keeps him in non-difficult terrain.

Then when we were doing some get ready stuff the last few days, the OFM was having noticeable trouble with his balance. From the two falls inside the Castle last summer we have learned the important lesson that single and old travelers need to be extra careful about getting injured. Due to the glasses fiasco the OFM has time to consider other options for Rving. With the big winter storm coming in during the next few days he decided to just re-up for another month here. If the glasses mess doesn't clear up we could be in a big mess over the eyesight.

So for now and the foreseeable future we are still stuck in Decatur, Alabama waiting for spring weather and eyeglasses. The possibility of making this a hub for cloverleaf travels in the future is very real. We have not ran around in the Great Lakes areas and the areas north of our location here in Alabama. Hmmm.

Pretty much everything depends on how well the OFM recovers. Time will tell us what we need to know. In the mean time we will continue trying to have tooooo much fun doing whatever we can.


  1. Well rats. Hope the woman who has solved vision problems before with glasses can work her magic this time.
    Meanwhile, if you are considering places to the north, you might want to take a look at this blog, if you haven't seen it already: She spent a few months in NC this summer, and I was sort of surprised about how interesting it looked. Lots of waters and she stayed some good places.

  2. The comment about having been so many places multiple times brought to mind a decision I faced. Having traveled and visited so many places multiple times I was having a hard time thinking of a place that I really wanted to go. My mobility was becoming limited and when my eyesight became questionable to safely pull my 5th wheel, so I made the decision that it was time to do something different. I sold the trailer and now travel shorter distances with light traffic or as a passenger more of the time.

    Having been fortunate enough to travel and see so many beautiful place and thing I have no regrets. The last thing I wanted to do was keep going and possibly injure someone or worse.

    I certainly hope you can get back on the road as you have in the past when you get the right glasses. If that winds up not being practical embrace the new opportunity to have too much fun a different way.

    1. You have well explained the situation. Thank you. It is appreciated.

  3. Thank you for the compliment. Yep balance took me out of kayaks and bicycles three years ago and it was the right thing to do as these last two falls have proven. Look out world I am on a quest for finding new ways of trying to have tooooo much fun.
