
Flushing Your Black Tank


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Adventure Date: 12-22-2022

It is lightly raining with light snow due later in the evening as this is being written tonight. We are headed for a low in the morning of 7F. In the meanwhile it has been an interesting day. First is the important part. The OFM's son emailed about how he and his family have tested positive for Covid as well Melissa's family down by Birmingham. The grands are already there for Xmas and lots of relatives usually congregate but now with the Covid mess the OFM is wondering what the outcome will be. As this was being written a strong roaring wind started blowing and when we looked to see what was the noise we could see small snow flakes in the wind. It is going to be a very interesting Christmas season for sure.

Supper turned out to be a couple of nice tortilla goodies with hot tea to chase it down. Now we hear hail hitting the Castle. All the precipitation is due to be over in a couple of hours then the real cold gets its turn.

Bear with us on this next part. We decided to do laundry this afternoon for no particular reason. The Laundry room was empty when we got to it.

That laundry room serves the whole over 200 campsites of this campground. Surprisingly it does the job pretty well until even one machine has trouble. Then it is nice to only be four miles to the nearest in town laundromat. So anyway the OFM was putting his wet clothes in an empty dryer when in walks a fellow with a big basket full of very wet cloth stuff. It turned out to be lots of towels and any thing else that could soak up water.

He told this tale to the OFM. The OFM has no concept of how this could happen so do not ask us to explain, OK.

He was flushing his black water holding tank and somehow filled the tank so full it flowed out through his toilet inside the trailer and also flowed out the vent pipe on the roof and ran down the sides of the trailer outside. He said that his wife told him that he made the mess and he had to clean it up himself. So he was a busy fellow.

In all of our trailering since our first trailer in 1972 we never came anywhere close to overflowing a holding tank into the trailer and have no idea of a way to do it either.

Well that seems like enough story telling for tonight. We have a feeling we will be trying to have tooooo much fun inside the Castle for the next five days until the COLD lets up. The temps are predicted to be shorts and tee shirt starting Tuesday of next week. We will like that a whole bunch better for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I don't what year they started installing internal black tank flushing systems. Things can happen if it isn't monitored closely. Overflow from the vent pipe, from the toilet, and in some cases blowing the tank lose from the mounts. I know of these incidents and witnessed the tank blowing from the mounts. A friend started flushing his tank when his wife said his sandwich was ready. In he went until he heard it blow. It wasn't repairable and had to be replaced.

    1. My 2005 ARCTIC FOX 22H has a black tank flushing system.

  2. An overflowing black tank is one HECK of a Christmas memory! I'm glad (REALLY GLAD) that it's not mine... :-)
