
Green Grass


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 12-09-2022

Long day of rain drizzles and some serious rain storms. But the river is still down over two feet at dark tonight. Here is a picture of the campground drainage to Flint Creek and the Tennessee River. It is doing just fine. In the summer there is about 2 feet of water in the drainage if the creek and river are normal.

We got a chance this afternoon late to get out for a walk without any rain on us. We headed out the back of the campground and go past the soccer field. Good grief it was green and growing very well. They will be mowing it soon we bet. That field is the pride and joy of this town.

We managed about a mile and a half of gravel trail and dodging large deep puddles before the light rain started up again. We got that pic of the campground drainage during this walk today. Our route took us back between the tree line and the soccer field and back into the campground. At least the OFM was able to make it a very brisk and aerobic walk in spite of it being so short. It certainly was nice to get out in the open air again.

Back in the campground we grabbed a couple of quick pictures of the Christmas yard decorations a couple of the hosts have on display.

We think this host lady must be a republican.

The hosts across the street have this yard full of blow up decorations. We think they add more each year.

Some of the other folks that are in the campground have decorations but these are the two most voluminous piles of decorations we have seen so far.

Pretty soon we hope to have our new glasses to get used to seeing again. Then we will be planning our getaway to Rockport Tx. Who knows what will be after that except for definitely working on trying to have tooooo much fun.

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