
Hammock Weather


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 2-1-2022

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We tried to get in a bit of walking today but it was broken into four separate shorter walks. The day was gorgeous and the tides in to almost normal height. One fellow we met had caught an undersized redfish and an undersized flounder this morning. So we had some good fish species arriving back for the big freeze Thursday night.

About mid morning another migraine headache hit with no mercy. But the usual treatment went well and it was nearly finished when we left for lunch.

Recall that miserable beach photo from last night with all the fog and drizzle. Check out this picture from after lunch from just about the same location.

Now that is the right kind of winter weather according to the OFM Teams.

While checking out the fishing at Fulton Harbor we caught a nice picture of these pelicans wasting the afternoon goofing off posing for tourists and old fat men. They seemed to be pretty happy with the weather for today.

As the OFM fished at the Rockport Harbor and checked the weather, it seems unreasonable that we will have sub freezing weather Thursday night. But today you could see way out on Aransas Bay and how nice it was out there. That looks pretty close to hammock weather to us.

Now that it was mentioned, hammock weather sounds like a pretty good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Oh yes. Tomorrow the cold air will start pouring in. Our low tomorrow night will be 8, they say. But Saturday will bring above freezing temps. Yay. I just hope there's not enough ice to break power lines. Probably not. Nice that you have that warm Gulf cushion out there. 350 miles away, it's not going to be a lot of help up here. I suspect you and the pelicans will be OK. .

    1. The freeze is such short duration and being about a mile from the bay waters, I hope we have very minimal disturbance than a chance to sleep late that morning.

  2. The blue skies and puffy clouds look inviting. We need some here. Cloudy the last two days. The middle and east side of the country is heading for colder and wet weather 😟
