
Nothing Special But The Clouds


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 2-10-2022

Click the pic to enlarge

Not much of importance happened today around the OFM Teams. The new fishing set up was tested to make sure The OFM could operate it and everything worked out well with no “special” experiences.

During the testing and training we had some glorious skies and clouds. Check out the clouds at the Fulton Harbor training location.

The rest of the day moseyed on along until supper. Then The OFM tossed together another great chicken salad to be enjoyed with fresh hot chocolate.

Now we need to find something for tomorrow's adventure of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Looks like a beautiful day. Here too, though it's not warming up as much as I want. Ah well, February will be over in a couple of weeks or so......

  2. When you move from lure fishing to bottom fishing do you use a different rod & reel or do you just change the rig on the end of the line?

    That is a nice looking day!

    1. It all depends on the target. My lure fishing is on the light line side of things. If I head to the bottom for larger prey then the entire rig can be changed to suit. Two pound or less whiting etc I use the light rig. If I am looking for some large big uglies then heavier gear is required. I am now set up for fish from lite panfish to around 30 pound prey. In other words here on the Texas coastal area there is fish from a few ounces to thirty pounds available for you to target and any size also will hit lures or bait. Lots of options are available.
