
Propane Finally


Adventure Location: Falcon Heights, Texas

Adventure Date: 2-27-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

When we got back from finally getting the empty LPG tank filled a wonderful surprise was awaiting us. Blog reader Charlie came by for a very welcome visit. We sat in the Castle our of the cold wind and enjoyed a wonderful visit until he needed to head back to his rig. Thank you Charlie for stopping by.

The next thing on the agenda was to get the OFM legs some action out in the natural. The chilly wind was still blowing so some good cold weather walking clothing was installed on the OFM body. We headed out in the gray cool weather expecting to be a bit chilled by the time we returned. The walking went well on along to a spot we chose to cut into the brush on the park's nice trail system.

After a mile or so the Teams ran into a couple with a very pleasant Golden Retriever doggie and we visited a minute or so until they mentioned where they were headed tomorrow. Did the OFM know anything about Big Bend National Park? About thirty minutes later we split up and they had a list 3.942 miles long of things to check out for the trip. And the puppy was ready to get on with the walk. Nice folks and we hope they have wonderful travels before heading back home to the north country.

One of the things the OFM is doing is collecting pictures of distinctive benches for our art archives. It is surprising how many styles of benches there are in the world. This next one might be extra memorable if you happen to sit on it wrong. We named it “ The Biting Bench”.

If that crack bites you, we bet you will remember it for a long time.

We finally made it back around to a trail that took us back to the Castle. We had been gone a big chunk of the afternoon and the sky was clearing and the temperature getting warmer. When we stepped out of the brush here is what the Castle looked like.

When we got over to the picnic table where the thermometer is located in the sun we did not believe it.

Sure enough when the shade moved onto the thermometer, the temperature quickly dropped to 55F. Once inside and settled at the computer we checked the weather predictions for a few places in the area and it looks like winter may have finished with us for a few months.

That means it is time to consider our options on where to roam and when to go there. But that effort is just another way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Glad it is warming up a little. We are camped out next to our house, which is not finished yet...and the mornings at 39 degrees is cooooold. We should be in the house by the end of the month...but we are not retiring Little R. I have lots of more trips planned for the future.

  2. I wish you the best of luck on enjoying having a house.
