
Sudden Camping Style Change


Adventure Location: Falcon Heights,Texas

Adventure Date: 2-24-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

Another night of cold and having to sleep in a sleeping bag all zipped up tight to stay warm. Doing the normal OFM bathroom runs during the night with all the bother of the bag was the last straw he thought.

But fuel was added to the fire when we checked with the propane supplier in Rio Grande City if propane was available yet, the answer was nope and garble garble voice twice.

OK. The OFM Teams do not do this style of living to be uncomfortable. We know the good solution to this mess and sat down an made a reservation at the State Park next door for a water/electric site. In fact we got our favorite site right across the street from the bath house.

The packing went very well. The Castle seemed to know what was happening and it was a fast get ready. Three miles over to the check in station went gently and comfortably. A few minutes of nice conversation with the wonderful lady that runs the campground paperwork and we were rolling on. Pulled into the site right on the correct spot and setup went very well. Here are two pics of the site. The first is from the bath house area and the second from the back corner of the cleared “yard”.

It is really wonderful to be really comfortable again tonight. The electric heater is keeping the Castle at the OFM's preferred warmth. As you might guess the OFM is not a fan of cold weather and cold starts at 55F in his world.

The OFM was feeling sickly all day like a fever was running but checking the body temp found

him at 98.6f on the money. After an hour plus nap he was back to healthy again.

We headed to the butterfly garden for some gentle exercise and ended up shooting 37 pictures for fun. Now we have more to catchup on.

Supper was a large salad with bell pepper chips topping it. On the side was a burger patty fried in a 2 liter pot that was great.

Hopefully we will have a calm and peaceful night for a change. The whole team could use it.

While over at the Butterfly Garden we noticed a bird blind that was new to us. So off we went to check it out. Here it is for your joy.

Now we are going to kick back and relax and try to figure some new ways for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. OK then. There you go!! Or rather, went. Glad you are comfortable. And here's to a good sleep. After a good meal. In a warm place! (All the old people I know get up at night to pee. There, I said it. What I don't understand is why old guys don't just buy one of those plastic bottles at CVS or Walgreens and not have to get up!!! If I were a guy I would do that. Just dump it in the morning. Sheesh.) You can delete that part in parentheses if it is too....whatever.

    1. Nothing wrong with what you put in parentheses. It isn't politics, religion or bad words. Just to let you know the bottle idea is not very good for some of us. I tried it when I camped with sleeping bags. Not for me.

    2. I am so glad to know that you will sleep better tonight. Not good that stuff about having to unzip and get out of a sleeping bag, maybe several times during the night. Much better to be able to get up in a warm castle, then right back in bed quickly. My experience lately in this realm: I wake up just enough to know I need to get up. But I don't want to wake up! So I waste who knows how much time hoping that the need will go away and I can sleep on. Never works out that way, but I keep on trying!😁

    3. Friday morning: Made 9.5 hours of great sleeping last night. WOW I feel better.

  2. OK then. Your last note in the comment thread sounds like you had some good sleep!!! Hope all has gone well today. And thanks for the reassurance about my intrusion into private mother always said it was not polite to talk about religion or politics or how much money someone had; any reference to bodily functions was always understood as verboten. I only trespassed on one. When I was 20, I questioned strongly all those proscriptions. Now that I'm older......yeah, the first three are a good idea. The bodily functions thing is something we all share regardless of the first three....Hope you are OK down there! Another cold wet day here tomorrow.

  3. Warm is good! Do you know your blood pressure actually goes way up when you are stressed from cold...and then it feels like you are super tired when you get warm and your blood pressure comes down...and nap is in your future. I have experienced this several times...
