
A Crappie Story


Adventure Location: Falcon Heights, Texas

Adventure Date: 2-20-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

Here is a picture of an area folks walk way out there to fish from the shore. The Teams have never walked more than a little way out there. It is not fun walking in our opinion.

However there are lots of folks on weekends that will walk way out there to fish. We have never been around when they came back in from way out there.

Here is a telephoto of the three guys in the first photo. The Teams are very willing to enjoy not walking way out there.

As we continued our meandering/walking it occurred to the OFM that the trails around here are not rough or difficult BUT they are definitely aerobic in the smooth up and down of them. He found himself deep breathing even though we were at a moderate pace. When we thought about it we decided that there were no level places in any of the numerous trails.

We finally made our way to the fish cleaning house and went in to check on any evidence inside. The first thing we noticed is all the half dollar and larger size scales left on the cleaning table.

Then a moment or two later the OFM noticed the fish in the trash can.

The best we can recall these are carp and are prized locally for making Ceviche to eat. We hope to try it some day.

Then we were out and about some more trying to get great pictures for this blog. The OFM legs were starting to tire out after a good while. We checked out our location and headed over to the cleaning station again and the parking lot with Sierra waiting.

As we attempted to pass the cleaning station again, we had to stop and check out these nice folks luck on the lake.

Check out that stack of fillets. His buddy had a bigger pile than that at his station. This fellow only had these fish to go to be finished filleting his pile of crappie. The OFM guarantees that crappie are superior fish for eating.

So now we know Falcon still has lots of fish for catching if you are wise enough to find them. In the mean time you can wear yourself out trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. It looks like you can wear yourself out just walking to the fishing spot!

  2. crappie makes good eating.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. Oh be still my heart. I do love to eat crappie. Especially when someone else cleans them.
