
Very Satisfied

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 11-19-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Around the middle of July 2007 we moved into the Castle. The Castle was about 1 1/2 years old by then.  The previous owner used the Castle for weekend trips in Oregon twice. Then traded it in for a much larger model Arctic Fox.

Until late last year the Castle had not given us any significant trouble about much of anything. BUT after living in the Castle full time since July 2007 some appliances have worn out as would be expected.

Here is a list of replaced items due to wearing out.
11/26/2019 refrigerator
3/9/20 tub valve
6/12/20 air conditioner
 And tomorrow is
11/20/20 toilet

and that is all the appliances so far. We feel we have had good luck with the original appliances.

Now understand that we have had a few other troubles with the Castle but those troubles had help from the OFM errors in living. A couple of leaks come to mind from bumping items. Do not bump things with your RV!

The toilet replacement is due to a small persistent leak in the water valve. We feel that we have had excellent service from this RV especially considering some of the “interesting” places we have been with the Castle in the past over 250,000 miles.

Yep we are very content with the performance over time of the Castle. It has supported the Teams well in our chosen task of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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