
Swarms of Police

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 11-27-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Nothing special happened today except five police cars were at Walmart when Sierra got the OFM there for our groceries run. We masked up to go into the store and wow there were police all over the entrance area. The OFM sort of backed up and stepped over to an officer near him and asked if it was OK to enter or was there some trouble. The Officer sort of giggled a bit and replied (not his exact words) that Walmart wanted a show of force that trouble makers would be handled immediately on this Black Friday shopping day. We liked that idea and went on in to the grocery section.

The early start had us in and out of the store before it got even a little busy. We appreciate the extra effort Walmart put into trying to keep the shopping safe.

Tonight, while searching the Internet about how the areas of the Teams concerns were doing with the C-19 mess, we found a news item that Del Rio Texas was having a major excess boom in C-19 illnesses and deaths. The deaths did not surprise us since Del Rio has a larger than usual percentage of the population that is well into being elderly. But the major rise in new cases in the younger population did catch us by surprise.  We have been gone from there for over two months now so the OFM is not feeling endangered from his time in Del Rio for the summer.  However it means we have to make a point of watching carefully about our spring travels.

Then we checked grandkid land in North Alabama and they are also having a big boom in C-19 cases. That will also cause major changes in the spring travel planning. So now the OFM Planning Team has a serious job at hand.  We are not wanting to encounter or spread a disease that can hurt the OFM.  He is actually rated by the Federalies as a compromised person due to his age of 74.

To us, the situation seems worse that the first travel restrictions back last summer.  We definitely have to be even more careful about where we run around trying to have tooooo much fun.

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