
Credit Card Hacked

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 11-07-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

A beautiful warm day got the OFM out for a nice walk in the Memorial Park before the weekend crowds got out of bed. The OFM joints were not in the mood for brisk walking so we took it easy and still got in about two miles of photography speed walking. That made for a wonderful stroll around the park.

We got over to another of the OFM Studio locations for his mobile studio style.  The live oak trees are always a scene to enjoy since they grow in lots of different grotesque shapes. This special spot is close to the junction of the trail segments but has always been very quiet and peaceful. There is even a rest room and drinking fountain just behind where The OFM stood to take this picture.

The vegetation is starting to get serious about the fall color explosion and we loved it. The art inspiration folders got lots more pictures to turn into paintings. Here is one of the pond.  Look carefully and you will see a very nice location for sitting and enjoying nature at its best.

As we rounded the far end of the pond and the sun broke through the foliage the scene was fantastic. The sun and the leaves from the cat tail plants were doing a really exciting color show. That OFM fool must have taken ten pictures from different directions. But this one is the one he chose for his readers to enjoy.  

By the time we got finished at the park the weekend visitors to this tourist area were starting to mill around the town.  Traffic on a nice weekend here in Rockport can be a bit intense at times. So we stayed out of the way.

Back at the Castle we got a nasty surprise.  The credit union security service called us and the OFM credit card account had been hacked.  We spent a while on the phone verifying the charges that were correct and getting rid of the illegal charges. But the final result is the credit card is now canceled and it will be more than two weeks until a replacement gets to us.

In the meantime we will just have to get by with working to find a way of trying to have tooooo much fun anyway.

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