
Four OF Them

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 11-20-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The OFM had a fitful night since he was anxious about being up and ready for the new toilet install. He did not want to accidentally oversleep and delay the installation. So he was up, water lines drained and everything ready for the 0800 appointment when the crew arrived at 0740.

We greeted them with open arms and they went right to work. In quick order one fellow had the old toilet out and handed to the #2 fellow. Then before the OFM could take a picture of the floor without the toilet, the new toilet was in place being fastened down and water connected. Testing was done very carefully and they cleaned up their mess.

#1 made out the bill, printed it out and handed it to the OFM.  The OFM wrote the check and away the repairmen went by 0815. The job was meticulously done, tested and accepted by the OFM with no reservations at all. WOW. Here is the new toilet in all its glory.

Well now what to do next? Go fishing of course. So it was off to the Rockport Marina area and fishing at the free pier at the marina.  Four 16“ trout later we quit to do something else. All fish were returned to the water immediately after being unhooked. No pictures since there has been lots of trout pictures posted in the blog, we figure our readers are tired of seeing trout laying on the ground next to the OFM’s foot.

We went back to the Castle and did a little more cleaning and The OFM took a nice nap.

While fishing late this evening the clouds and sky were ODD looking. It was an odd greenish cast to the natural lighting. The clouds were mixing things up like something was about to develop but nothing special really happened. It was an interesting sunset or more like a sun fade away.

Sometime during the day we met an artist out in the area working away on her canvas.  She was painting an interpretation of the crazy clouds we had today. Our conversation was very nice and we hope to see her working in the area again soon.

This is just a few of the things that worked out well today for our effort at trying to have tooooo much fun.

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