

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 11-25-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The OFM did not roll out of bed until after 0800 this morning so we got a late start today. At least the weather was dry and warm for our late morning 3 miles at the Memorial Park.

The first thing we did after parking Sierra was get a new picture of the flowers of the Ti Plant.  They are very cute flowers about the size of a dime.  The OFM had to hold them in the breeze again, so that is his ugly hand in the background.  We think that the flowers are really nice.

One of the several benefits of walking at the Memorial Park is all the nice folks we meet on the trail. An even bigger benefit is meeting all the different breeds of dogs accompanying their care takers on the path.  The OFM gets lots of great puppy pettings without any of the upkeep a puppy takes.  Today's special was two saluki dogs being walked. To the best of the OFM’s memory this is the first time we have met saluki pups in real life. They were beautiful pups. Sometimes he over loads on puppy pettings.

After doing some miscellaneous chores we headed to the Beach Park to nose around and see what we could see. Not many folks were out today, so we got in a bit of fishing without any catching again. However we did get a nice color picture of the evening starting to happen.

This is a color photograph

As you can see there was a few of us out there on the pier trying to have tooooo much fun.

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