
A/C Time Again

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 11-10-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

It was a busy day here in hot paradise. Here is the dash in Sierra to show why the OFM turned on the Castle’s A/C this afternoon. We were just plain HOT and Sweaty.

A trip to the Beach Park for a long walk was shortened to a slow walk of a lot less than hoped for distance. The humidity and nearly completely still air was just too much for the OFM.  From the scarcity of others walking we guess it was a bit much for most folks.

At least when we got near a bulkhead we were privileged to get a picture of another shell critter. This critter was well and feeding. They are just plain old mean looking to us.

In the afternoon we chose to head over to Fulton Harbor area to do some fishing where we had a lot of hits yesterday. It was a beautiful day as you can see. That is the replacement Fulton Pier that is being rebuilt after Hurricane Harvey destroyed the previous pier.

We fished where the concrete bulkhead/walkway takes a sharp right turn.  Here is the first of several under size trout we landed and returned to the water to grow up. At least the OFM got to catch fish again. The fish must have been hungry since we used several different lures and all of them caught fish.

When we decided to head back to the Castle we happened to past close to the Fulton Harbor area kids playground. This time we noticed it had lots of neat kid things our grand kids would go nuts to play on. I bet that is a crowded play on weekends.

It is nice to winter over in a place with lots of options nearby for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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