
Ugly Critter

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 11-21-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Apparently we are in for a new style of Christmas decoration in the Beach Park this year.  The tall lights Christmas Tree will still be there.  It is actually pretty well installed by now.

However, this year they are already installing themed decorations near the loop road that goes around the lighted tree.  Each little section of the loop road has a separate decoration by a group from in the community. ie Scouts or a High School group.

They are well on their way to getting the decoration in place and ready for the festivities.

Part of the day was not spent fishing.  It was spent working on another cactus painting in the coloring book. The flowers are a tedious effort on this painting. The paper in the book is not built for watercolor. We are using water color pencils and water brushes to do the flowers. Water brushes barely use any water to activate the pencil marks. Regular watercolor paints use teaspoons of water to do the same thing a water brush does with about ten drops of water. We hope the paper will let us get away with the efforts. There is still a lot of work left.

When we were leaving the bulkhead near the Allegro Channel, the OFM was absent mindlessly stepping near the edge of the concrete when he noticed this monster coming out of the sand to get him. He jumped back very quickly and then looked to see what it was. It is a vicious looking critter for sure.

When careful observation was put into action, it is easy to see that it is a bit of sand screen and sand with pebbles in it shaped by the wind and water in the area. But that was good enough that the OFM will remember to look first next time we are in the area.

Fishing, walking, painting, visiting with friends, looking at Christmas decorations and being outside on a warm breezy day is a wonderful way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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