
A Good Mistake

 Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas

Adventure Date: 9-1-2020

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Guess who was hiding and waiting for us this morning as we walked the Diablo East trails.

We slowed down and said Howdy to him and he just stood there and looked at us. Soon we went on along the trails.  It was a rough day on the trails today. The OFM was feeling every minute of his 74 years so it was a slower than usual speed but to give him credit he went the whole route before we got to quit.

A couple of days ago we purchased what the OFM thought was a chili type of concoction. It wasn’t as he learned today.  Basically it was a pureed tomato soup base with extra spices in it. Oh well.  The OFM went to work on it and added pinto beans, corn, celery, a chopped potato patty, onion and something or two else we cannot recall at this moment.

A good heating and stirring with some fresh ground black pepper for spice was next. Simmered for about ten minutes to let the pepper get distributed. 

After it seemed it was ready, out came a bowl for the testing of the soup. It was pretty good. In fact the OFM ate two bowls of it. And we have two more meals worth of it in the refrigerator. So we lucked out with good soup in spite of the error of label reading.

This evenings attempt at a spectacular sunset was a total bust but we had a great time trying to have tooooo much fun taking pictures anyway.

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