
Cool Walk

 Adventure Location:  Decatur, Al
Adventure Date: 9-18-2020
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Since the morning temperature is supposed to be under 60F in the morning, the OFM is planning on getting his light wind breaker out to wear on the morning walk. This morning the Walking Team Uniform was a Tee shirt and it was a bit chilly for the first couple of miles. Yep we had a good walk this morning of over 3 miles.

The path along the water of the Tennessee River was graded recently.  Usually late in the year they put another thin layer of gravel on the path to keep it levelish. In general it is kept in pretty good shape.

The vegetation along the part of the path we walked has had a few changes in the last year. Mostly it has had several trees fall. Otherwise the wave action has changed some spots in the shore line. Overall it is still a great walking trail.

The fungi this year are springing up all over the place.  We found several softball sized mounds of “toad stools” here and yonder in the woods along the path. They were sort of cute.

This morning's walk got a good early start and allowed the OFM to get this pretty good picture of a north Alabama morning sunrise.

The flu shot the OFM got yesterday showed up this afternoon with the usual 5-6 hours of feeling fluish.  A couple of acetaminophen tablets and a nice long nap ran those feeling off. We are doing fine now.

Tomorrow is a grand kids day which might be a good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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