
Easy Day for a Change

 Adventure Location:  Decatur, Al
Adventure Date: 9-16-2020
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Nothing very exciting today.  We got in a nice 1.8 mile walk this chilly morning.  Along the way we noticed that this must have been a great year for wild grapes.  The walk is covered in places with old crushed grapes. On the way back to the Castle we noticed the golf course practice area was not being used.

We got back to the Castle and swapped our walking gear for a sand wedge and a couple of golf balls. When we got back to the practice green it was still empty.  Our purpose was to take it easy  and find out how well the damaged left shoulder could handle golf shots. The answer is not ready yet. But we still had some fun piddling with the easy shots and being out in the cool air.

A big splurge for lunch was a stuffed with a huge shredded pork baked potato and the OFM ate the whole thing. Yep he was in such a hurry to eat it that no picture was taken of it.  It was so big it likely would have needed two pictures to show it all.

About the time the potato was finished the lite rain from hurricane Sally started making a mess here. It is not a hard rain or great volume. But everything is kind of nasty slimy wet.

It has been very nice to have the windows open today with the fresh cool air coming through the Castle.  The morning started at 70f and we got up to 77f about 1500.

Oh yeah we almost forgot the miracle that happened today. The OFM vacuumed the Castle, wet mopped the floors and cleaned all the cabinet fronts and tops. Wow he was a busy old fat guy.

We have watched several long time residents responding to the new prices and rules by moving out to new cheaper locations for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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