
Serious Rain Storms

 Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 9-5-2020
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We were doing pretty well on the getting going this morning. When Sierra got us to the Diablo East parking lot and we looked at the sky is when the doubt crept into the plans.

That sunrise was not looking good. So we decided to cloverleaf walk in a manner to keep us somewhat close to Sierra in case really ugly weather jumped on us.  So after a few loops and flop arounds we got in about 2 miles and called it finished. The sky did not get better or worse.

We had several showers during the rest of the day until late afternoon.  The Teams were at the Amistad Visitor Center shopping for grandkid presents when the bottom of the clouds dropped out. In about thirty minutes we got probably an inch and a half rain.  When it slowed the OFM Teams got out of there and headed for the Castle.

Sure enough it had poured down at the campground and poured down again shortly after we arrived.  The good part is the parched land was slurping it up as fast as it came down. You could hear the grass outside going slurp, slurp,slurp as fast as the leaves could swallow.

When the rains finally quit and the back side of the front started to move past we ran out to get a picture of the clouds leaving the area. It was dramatic scenery.

Tomorrow starts the serious get out of town preparations.  Monday morning the Teams pull out for Grandkid land. It is a planned five day trip.  As far as we know there will not be any internet available at any of the nightly stops.

Getting everything ready tomorrow will be our way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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