
Like Starting All Over Again

 Adventure Location:  Junction, Texas
Adventure Date: 9-7-2020
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Since the tow was supposed to be only 2.5 hours, we did not hurry this morning and finally rolled about 1000.  Good Grief the OFM was out of practice on this towing stuff. He quickly got back into the proper control of things (mostly) except for one small tree branch.  No Castle damage thank goodness.

Anyway we rolled gently for a while at 60 MPH and then tried at 55 MPH. Yep the fuel mileage seemed to be just the same according to Sierra’s computer. We know that higher than 60 gets worse mileage and lower than 55 gets slightly better fuel mileage. So the sweet point seems to be between 55 and 60 in the rolling hills of today's travels. It gave us a total trip of about 125 miles in rolling terrain with the average mileage being 10.4 mpg.

We rolled into South Llano River State Park at 1230 and the reserved site was waiting for us. Check in went well and backing the Castle for the first time in 6 months went pretty good. Just needed 2 pull forwards to get properly into the site. Here is the site from the front.

And here is the site from the back area.

The biggest surprise was having Internet at the site. Our log book said that there was no Internet service as of a couple of years ago.

As soon as we could get back on the road to town, we headed for Lum’s BBQ. We got the last parking spot and went in the front door to find a line with over 50 people waiting to be seated or order take out. Nope. We left.  

Down the street a couple of blocks is La Familia and excellent Mexican food source. So we stopped there and were immediately seated. Good service, great food and friendly folks around us was the experience. And we were gone to look around town.

Down at the town park and lake is where overnighter cold stay free for up to three days. For now camping is not allowed down there.

We have been told by locals that when the c-19 mess is over the area will  once again be available for RV over nighting.

After all the excessive excitement of being on the road again, the OFM is tuckered out and plans an early “to bed” event tonight. Tomorrow is about a four hour tow. It should be fairly easy too.
We do recommend this SP as a good place for trying to have tooooo much fun, especially with kids.

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