

 Adventure Location:  Decatur, Al
Adventure Date: 9-28-2020
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Winter arrived with a nasty rainy cold front about 1700 and is planning on staying here for a few days. It is even getting down near freezing during the week at 43F. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

The OFM got going this morning and walked his little heart out. The pace was a fast walk but not as fast as usual.  His body did not feel just right so we moved a bit slower. BUT we covered 4.75 miles instead of the usual 2.5--3.0. The OFM knees were doing well at the end of the slightly slower walk so we may be onto something good.

While we were passing the water park, a passel of honkers came flying overhead making all sorts of racket.  It was a surprise that we could actually hear the air whistling from their wings as they flew past. That was a neat event.

Then we turned a corner and there the roses were showing off the late season blooms. We think these are Simplicity roses. They are planted all around the area and normally bloom prolifically all summer. Do they bloom in winter???

The OFM just has to tell about his lunch and supper tonight. We went over to Lawler’s BBQ and picked up one of their big salads with pulled pork for lunch.  Well that did not work out.  It was way to big to eat in one sitting, so guess what he had for supper tonight. Yep the other half of the salad. We certainly do like their salads and stuffed baked potatoes. No picture was taken because the OFM’s fork was flying throwing food at his vacuum cleaner mouth. We will try again when we get a chance.

In the mean time it was a beautiful day most of the day and that really helps the Teams when they are out trying to have tooooo much fun.

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