
Recovered From Dental Work

 Adventure Location:  Decatur, Al
Adventure Date: 9-25-2020
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Recovering from the deadening for the dental work has always been a pain for the OFM and this time it was a big pain. He hit the bed about 2000. Sleeping was a good thing to do apparently since he awoke this morning raring to go.

Right after breakfast it was time for a good walk. The weather was cool and damp. We decided that the paved road around the complex the campground is part of would be a good thing. It would not be muddy and insects are usually at a minimum.  So off we went. Yep it was a bit dreary at first.

Not too far into the walk was the first bright red foliage. 

We saw many other spots of color alongside the road but nothing that was spectacular. However it was a nice peaceful walk.

At one spot where a creek came from Wheeler Lake to go under the road, a Heron was keeping watch on its territory. It pretty much ignored us as we meandered on along the road.

There were several people and pets out for walks this morning so we got to give some big friendly Texas HOWDY’s to the other walkers, both two legged and four legged.

As we got closer to the end of the paved portion of the walk we found that a chunk of tree had fallen during the nights storms. It is laying right across the path of the walkers and might have caused a headache if it fell at the wrong moment.

The walk finished well and when the OFM checked the mileage it was only 2.77 miles but it was a nice 2.77 miles.

After we got cooled down and cleaned up the OFM headed over to the office to get our package from Blick art supplies.  Getting new toys second thing in the morning is great fun. Some new colored pencils in a set named Under the Sea set was one of the new toys. Another was a new set of 24  watercolor pencils for some new art learning experiences. We certainly hope it turns out well. Here is a picture of the swatch charts the OFM made of the new toys.

Now all we need is to get busy using them for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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