
New Painting

 Adventure Location:  Decatur, Al
Adventure Date: 9-22-2020
Click the Pic to enlarge

A bunch of the day was spent with the Teams digging around in the Internet checking temperatures at different times of the year so we could start plotting a grand loop trip that brings us back here at the end.

Another wrinkle in the plans is needing to see a competent eye doctor for analysis of the OFM’s optical situation.  The one we know that is very competent is back down in the Corpus Christi Tx area. We are pretty sure we will have to make an eye stop down there during the next few months for evaluation of the OFM eyes situation and cataract progress.

The very cool air was so nice we got in about four miles of walking today and over a dozen inspirational photos to store in the art ideas locker on the computer.

Speaking of art, how about another finished art painting by that Master Paper Waster, The OFM.

This one was the first one to use a new to us technique of applying the color to the paper. It was a bear to learn, but we think we have that technique under control now.

Then this evening it was a three piece chicken fingers, cole slaw, french fries, sweet tea supper and it feeeeels really good in the OFM’s tummy as we write this gibberish. However, the meal was a wonderful finish to a day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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