
Brain Cactus

 Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 9-6-2020
Click the Pic to enlarge

It has been a day of doing get ready things.  The longest duration chore was getting all 9 tires back to the trailering air pressure settings. The tire pressure on Sierra had been lowered by 5 psi when we found out we would not get to tow anywhere for several months. That keeps from wearing out the middle of the tread so badly especially on the rear tires. Over inflated tires wear out the middle of the tread quickly.

Then we did a check of the roof for trouble from the storms we have had the last few months.  Everything was fine on the roof to the Teams amazement.

It has been a busy day. Tomorrow will be a slower start since we only have 2.5 hours of towing planned. We want to arrive in Junction after the weekenders mostly have left town. We will be at the South Llano River State Park again. It is normally a nice place.

Tonight we have a new painting to show. This one is of a cactus commonly called Brain Cactus. It was done with Dick Blick house brand colored pencils.  They turned out to be pretty good pencils that will be going to the grandkids in a few days.

For some reason the OFM remembers this as a fun painting that he really enjoyed doing.

Please remember that wifi is likely not available after we leave tomorrow morning, so do not panic. We will be out in the areas taking pictures and having adventures to report later while trying to have tooooo much fun.

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