
Lunch in the Basin

Adventure Location: Chisos Mtns, TX
Adventure Date: 9/30/2018
Click the picture to enlarge it.

Our goal today was not to shoot over a hundred pictures but to visit the Chisos Basin in BIBE. We rolled out mid morning so we would be at the good restaurant in the Basin at the proper time. The ranger at the entry remembered The OFM and we had a nice visit. Then we headed for the main visitor center about 35 miles into the park. The speed limit is 45 mph in the park.

After a nice relaxing ride through all sorts of scenery the Chisos Mountains came into view. They are a nice looking range that has the claim to fame as the mountains surrounding the caldera known as the Chisos Basin. It is a fun trip to drive up into the basin.

We parked at the main visitor center in order to do some Christmas shopping. Total failure. But as we exited the building old Meanderthall OFM was looking at one of the mountains above us. What are you seeing OFM? I am seeing that ugly face in the mountain. I have been stopping here for about 50 years and this is the first time I have noticed the face in the mountain.

Really we responded. Yep he said. The right eye is open and the left eye is squinched closed. Then the big ugly nose sweeps down to to upturned nostrils. It is quite a sight. We had to agree.

At least the flower garden at the center had lots of nice flowers. Here is one example of the nice views and fragrances.

Sierra got us going and we rolled about 10 miles down the road to the left turn to head UP the mountains to the point of our trip today. When you head up the road (or down the road) please pay attention to the warning signs. There is plenty of evidence on the boulders and cliffs that way too many folks DID NOT AND PAID A HIGH PRICE. If you drive nice it is a very pretty drive up and over the pass and down into the caldera. Sierra found us a premier parking spot near the restaurant.

We need to point out that very few walking surfaces outside the buildings is level. We left Sierra to enjoy the cool air as The OFM Team headed into the restaurant. Naturally they have a trinkets shop to pass through to get to the restaurant. 

The Teams were seated immediately at 12:12. The service there is good. The food is good. Don’t ask the price, just enjoy the experience. Out chicken tacos were really excellent and not ordinary. Even the beans and rice was especially good. The OFM did not even think of grabbing a picture of the meal because he was too taken with the view to hardly pay attention to the meal. Remember we get here at least once a year so he has seen it all before. What was he seeing? Here it is.

The world famous Window is your view.

He chowed down with vigor and every bit of food soon disappeared. The camera was grabbed and away we went to the shop at the entrance. At least at this shop we had some success with the Christmas shopping.  We had more success at the convenience store by the lodge. Then it was off to the paved wheelchair accessible trail that hits lots of nice views inside the caldera and the world class view of the Window at the far edge of the loop.

When we first started the trail, the OFM made a point of looking back at the restaurant to get a perspective of his meal view. Here is the view he had.

The Window is directly behind us but a long ways away. We continued with the trail, but that will require another blog entry. There is lots more to tell about this day of having tooooo much fun.

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