

Adventure Location:Rockport, Tx.
Adventure Date:September 15, 2018
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It was a strong rain most of the night until this morning. The flooding was enough to be a trouble for sure. After the flooding had gone down a few inches the OFM took a couple of pictures of our “yards”. 

This first one is of our utilities side of the Castle. The water had been up to the bottom of the tires.

This next picture is from just behind the door of the Castle looking out to the campground road. There is a small light brown debris line near Sierra where the water had been up to. It was still about four inches deep in this portion of the yard.

Several streets in the area were quickly blocked by the city as not safe due to flooding. They did a pretty good job of it in our opinion. At this time, 2000, there are still streets closed but the draining of the flooding is making pretty decent progress. With a little luck it will be all off the roads by morning.

With the fishing places such a mess from the storms last night, the OFM busied himself with some house cleaning. Then he remembered the ground pork he had purchased yesterday and decided to cook it as a stoup. So the meat and vegetables got together and made a very good pot of ??????? 

We finally decided that cooking up some pig slop was a great way to trying to have tooooo much fun.

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