
Wrinkled Paper






We got out for the walk this morning and what we did is have a nice slightly shortened walk so the OFM's hips could have an easier time of the walking. It worked and was a nice 1.5 miles in tree shade. We are beginning to think that the auditorium stair fall a few weeks ago might have done some hip damage we had not suspected before. So we are going to do treatment for hip joint impact damage and see how that turns out.

Last night we tried to unwrinkle the water color effort on the coloring of the falls. Several methods were tried but the paper still looks like it got wadded up to throw in the garbage. So we tried doing more colored pencil coloring on it and it is less bad but still bad. So we gave up on it while we research online for other ways to save it.

Meanwhile the other coloring that we were working on got finished and came out decent.

It is a nice bit of coloring that was fun to do as a between other projects around here item. The OFM is not sure exactly where we are in the mess of things to get finished on several fronts but we know when we will be able to roll now since the grand kids school schedule is now in our possession. We are waiting for the license tag for the Castle to come in and the weather to moderate a bit more before we try to be rolling. Things should settle down in the next two weeks, we hope.

Everyone have fun trying to have tooooo much fun.

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