
Lots Of New Seeds





DATE: AUGUST 11, 2024

A good nights sleep last night and getting up to wonder what to do today was the big morning event. We scraped nearly all the left over nail polish off and then got ready for a walk. How far we had no idea. We would just have to see what happens.

The first thing we noticed was that nearly every bush, vine, non-tree growth seemed to be loaded with fresh new seed pods getting ready for next Springs blooming season and new vegetation explosion. We have more seeds happening than we can recall in the last twelve years of coming here. Next spring should be a fantastic flower season we think.

We did a trash run at the start of the walk and the bins were full of all sorts of things like furniture, kid toys etc. We found an opening and slid our trash between a small chest of drawers and a full inflated pneumatic raft like you would use for fishing or pulling behind a power boat to give folks rides in. But it would have needed a really good scrubbing before we would have used it.

The rest of the walk was a good long one in the not hot air. About 82f was the temperature for the whole walk of about two miles. The general weather made for nice walking and several short visits with others out enjoying the morning.

In the evening after supper we took a shorter walk around the campground and noticed the short time stay area (section A) had a lot of empty spots now that public school has started again, if anyone wants to stop by for a few days.

The trash walk turned into a nice one mile walk that let us get in several short visits with other campers sitting out enjoying the nice weather this evening. Eventually we made back to the Castle and a quiet evening. We guess we need to shift back into some other mode but which one as we hope to find ways of having tooooo much fun again.


  1. Well, shoot.. You took the polish off before your visits with others on your morning walk.

  2. Removing Nail Polish is not an easy task, unless you invest in the remover.
    Walking through the cooler weather is a good way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
