
Healing Nap






Well here we go with a pile of the non-adventures of the OFM. He woke up not feeling really well and has been that way all day but we had a full day for sure. Gentle walking was on the agenda since the weather had moderated a good bit temperature wise. But first we had to hit up the little Walmart to resupply some food items like almond milk for cereal in the mornings.

Back home we quickly got the food put away and changed into walking attire and whoosh we were on our way gently. As we got onto the path next to the Flint Creek water the reflections in the water were very nice to see. So here is a couple of them we photographed.

As we made our way along the path every now and then we would have some nice breeze to make us feel better. We got to the three bench rest spot and sn older couple were resting there for a minute while drinking water like a good walker should.

We talked for a bit and had several things in common to visit about. When they got up to move on the OFM stayed with them for more visiting on the move. They decided they had gone far enough and turned back. They were so nice to visit the OFM turned back with them to keep on visiting on the move so to speak. When we got back to where we had to split up so they could go to their car we said our goodbyes and they went to their car and the OFM walked back to the campground. It was a wonderful visit. The OFM piddled around on the internet and looked at possible destinations for future travels. Then it was lunch time so we rolled to Burger King for lunch and then back home still not feeling wonderful yet.

Did some internet searching on colored pencil and water color art. Hmmmm there is a lot of information on that subject. But the OFM was not feeling just right so he decided to take a nap. The change this time was no timer to wake him. He was going to sleep or lay there until he wanted to get up instead of the usual timed 30 minute nap. It turned out to be an hour and a half and he awoke feeling healed. Yep it was a good nap.

The rest of the day was spent just studying about water color and colored pencil art and techniques to use. It is going to be a very innovative style of art effort for sure. The internet site MIND OF WATERCOLOR was very informative on the subject at hand. And that is about all there is for today. Tomorrow is try to have tooooo much fun Sunday. Keep up with me if you can.

1 comment:

  1. Good grief. I didn't know you were timing your naps. You're retired, but I guess you have had your reasons. Glad you were feeling better after!
