
Pretty Roses Blooming






We got going a bit late this morning but stepped out into a surprise heavy over cast and a lot less heat.

The result was a nice walk of 3.6 miles with a gentle breeze most of the way. In the last ten minutes the overcast burned off and the sun load quickly became very strong. We are glad to have the chance to walk in the less hot day.

We noticed that the spiders have been very busy on the short grasses near the walking trail. They are back in their habit of building a carpet of flat webs about three inches off the ground all over the place where there is vegetation. We hope they are catching lots of biting bugs so our life will be easier soon.

Some of the bushes are setting berries now. It seems a bit early to us but Mom Nature is in charge. It is our job just to be happy to have nice vegetation to enjoy while walking the trails.

A rose shrub near a parking lot out the back of the campground had a nice rose on it today to brighten our day.

We think they are Simplicity roses. They will be back in huge masses again we hope. Some years there are hundreds of blooms in the planters scattered around the park and it is really nice to see.

Everyone please have a great day tomorrow trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. We are enjoying a slight cool down as well.
    Beautiful Flower.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
