
Puddle OF Frazzle





DATE: AUGUST 10, 2024

Waking up this morning was painful again. But we were on a gentle schedule for birthday celebrating and excellent Mexican food for lunch at Phil Sandavals restaurant in Huntsville Al. Boy was that a lot of fun. Games played etc. with lots of laughs and horsing around. After lunch the OFM opened his birthday card to his enjoyment. The family provides the OFM Team their Internet service year round as his Christmas and Birthday gift. It is a wonder gift to a traveling fool like the OFM,

After lunch Grand Daughter decided she needed to paint the OFM's finger nails sparkling blue. She did a pretty good job of it too.

 While it was drying she showed us what she was learning at cheer leader school. She is doing great learning all the things she needs to learn. Lots of other messing around happened. But all too soon the OFM wore out and headed home to Point Mallard and some rest.

Tonight we are taking it real easy to let the OFM body to recover from all the fun we had.

Busy days like this one can wear the OFM to a puddle of frazzle we guarantee.


  1. Happy Birthday to the OFM and a nice celebration with family!

  2. So did you have the fingernail polish removed before you came home? If not, I will be interested to here reactions tomorrow....

  3. A belated Birthday Wish to you, with the hope you will celebrate many more.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
