
Castle's License Tag





DATE: AUGUST 16, 2024

Not any excitement around here today, even the big thunderstorm predicted fizzled out with about ten rain drops total. We did attempt to speed up our walking pace today since the hips etc were not hurting. Our guess is that we got to about 50% faster than before starting the glucosamine. It was very nice to get up some speed for a change. That takes the OFM into aerobic speed level which is really good for his health and well being.

The other nice event was meeting a new fellow in the campground that has never been around RV rigs before. He really pulled lots of information out of the OFM about this life style. We had lots of good discussions because the folks around him in his previous lifestyle that had no Rving experience were giving him lots of bad information some of which was dangerous.

That and doing the laundry made up the day for us today. We are kinda on hold until the license fee tag for the Castle gets here. Then we will be able to make more firmer plans for rolling dates. In the meantime everyone try to have tooooo much fun.


  1. With the changing weather, it is getting harder to plan things to do.
    I've met a lot of people that tried telling me how to RV. I wished them well and hope they keep the sunny side up. They'll be easy to see in the campgrounds, wondering why we are Boondocking.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.

    1. Since I have been trapped in this pretty nice campground for 15 months now I am really hoping to get going boondocking by late September. Be safe and good luck with your medical events.
