
The Crown Fits The OFM




DATE: AUGUST 30, 2024

ROLLING DATE: 9-15-2024

Today was important in that the OFM got his new crown installed and is now in good tooth shape. It feels a bit odd and his tongue keeps on caressing it because it is a new item in his mouth that is not 78 years old. Sorry but we could not get the camera in his mouth to get a picture of the new addition to our body.

The next item on the get ready list is to get Sierra a new transmission starting Tuesday morning. Which brings up something interesting to some folks. While the OFM was pondering places to roam he stumbled into the fact that our records show the Castle has seen nearly 85,000 miles roll under it in its 17 years on the road. That means we have covered a bunch of the country while full time RV traveling. A lot of the time we were boondocking too. WOW. The OFM still well remembers the day we rolled out of Richland, Washington on October 5, 2007 to begin our traveling life in the Castle. It has been a good way to live and not often dull.

And finally for tonight we finished another colored pencil picture we named Hidden Valley.

Tomorrow starts our preparations for real for the next phase of our roaming the country as a free spirit flowing as the whim wanders.

Good Night.


  1. So you could have driven the circumference of the earth about 4 times....if you could have driven on the ocean that is.

  2. That's a LOT of mile and memories. I am guessing your trailer went way past its "shelf life" many thousands of miles ago.

    1. Usually about the 15 year mark a lot of major maintenance is required like I have been doing this last year re caulk, Check and replace as needed on the running gear at 10-12 years appliances will start to wear out and need replacement like ac/fridge, furnace, water pump etc.
