
Less Hot Walk






We got going earlier than normal this morning and it was less than hot but not cooling in spite of the nice breeze coming from the water. We made good speed on the trail and it felt very good on the OFM body. To our surprise we got to the mile and a half marker comfortably. Turning back at this point was a good choice. Before long the temps moved up several degrees and the OFM started to sip more than usual water. As it worked out we got back to the Castle about the same time our water bottle ran dry. The walk was very pleasant but we feel a thirty minute earlier start would be better.

After the shower to clean up we spent some time looking at pages to color. Then we chose one that we had started a couple of days ago.

We have two new coloring books coming in tomorrow that might turn out to be fun coloring also. But we want to be inside the AC during the middle of the day for a few weeks until LABOR

DAY. The weather is supposed to start cooling a bit more at that time. Every one have a nice day tomorrow and stay cool if you can.

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