
Morning Pain Again





DATE: AUGUST 9, 2024

Waking up this morning was painful again. Every part of the OFM body hurt some amount again it seemed. So we did a different thing and asked the Internet a Question. Why does my 78 year old body hurt every morning? And to our surprise up jumped a lot of good information. After an hour and some we think we have a realistic answer that applies to the OFM. Our body is wore out. Basically this 78 year old body has been physically pushed for so many years doing so many activities that the bone joints and a few other parts are just plain old and worn badly. The OFM has definitely earned the WORE OUT OFM badge.

What is there to do to heal so the flexibility returns to like new? We found that the correct answer seems to be you cannot get back to like new. But most folks can, by life changing action, bring themselves to a point of minimizing the pain causes. So after a few hours of research on different things that can be tried we chose the ones we want to start with to find out if that change helps or not. The process is basically try a change for a while and see if it helps. If not then try one of the many other items that helps some folks to handle this part of aging. Definitely not the answer we were hoping for but if it helps we will use it. We will keep you up to date on our progress or lack of progress.

Our diet is supposedly not part of our trouble on the pain front and we were glad of that. Tonight we had one of our favorite meals.

A salad mix from a Walmart mixed salads rack with a can of drained tuna dumped on top and then a preferred BBQ sauce drizzled all over it. Boy these are good, quick and easy. The beverage is cheap Walmart Root Beer. The OFM Team really likes these about once a week. And that is about it for tonight from a sore and aching OFM.


  1. Before my first retirement I was exercising daily and didn't have an ache or pain. After selling our house I had to find other ways to exercise, one being Cycling. Upon returning to the grind exercise took a back seat and like yourself now everything hurts. That and a long-forgotten injury will be the cause of the upcoming surgery.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
