
Change of Art Direction





DATE: AUGUST 17, 2024

Not any excitement around here today. Hmmmm heard that last night didn't we. Well it is here again. The best news is that the OFM is still getting out of bed like a decent human should, thanks to the guclosamine tablet. The walk started out well but the heat and humidity caused the OFM to slow down to a mild walk and decide it was time to quit when we came to the short cut trail back to the Castle. It was only a mile walk with about a half mile of it aerobic in nature. The conditions were very correct for another heat trouble session with the OFM body. W do not push our limits very hard now days.

Then twice during the day large mean thunder storms raged through the area and sure enough we had a small leak in the Castle. Late this evening the ladder was put to work and a likely spot was located. So if we get some dry enough time tomorrow the caulk will be applied in hopes it was the correct pinhole we spotted. If not, it needs touch up anyway.

On the art front the OFM has decided he has learned enough about handling colored pencil coloring he can go back to learning about the drawing part of paintings again. So we made the short drive to a Hobby Lobby to get the correct paper for colored pencil and picked up a pad to use for our education effort. We have several scenes photographed near Amistad Reservoir several years ago that will provide fodder for at least six paintings. That means the OFM cannot use the what is there to paint excuse to lollygag around and not at least attempt to learn.

Now we have only to wait until the license tag for the Castle to arrive before we choose when to roll. That was an exciting sentence to write finally. That is it for tonight. Have a great night.


  1. Learning to create your own pictures from scratch, will help you to refine your technique of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
