
Castle Replacement Maybe





DATE: AUGUST 29, 2024

ROLLING DATE: 9-15-2024

A rolling date has been added to the opening information today. Little things keep on happening so the OFM just added the this new feature this afternoon.

This morning on the way to the dumpsters too dump last nights trash the OFM got to talk to the owner of the exact model of Jayco trailer we are checking out for replacing the 19 year old Fox we have now. The OFM got a lot of great info from the owner and think it might be a worthwhile candidate for a replacement travel trailer if we go with a trailer instead of one of the other options on the market or just keep repairing what we have. The Castle is very well worn, to put it mildly, and we think we have about ten more years of rving left in the OFM. So we are thinking of what the future may hold for us.

A nice arrival in the mail showed up yesterday afternoon and it was two coloring books we hoped would be some we like for a change. Surprise! They both look like they will be very good. They are western scenery drawings of the style that make colored pencil work easier than many coloring books styles. These leave lots of interpretive room to customize the coloring to be specially like the the colorist wants the outcome to be.

They each have at least 30 drawings that are definitely the OFM style. That means we now have at least 60 new colorings to do to go with the about 28 ones in the waiting file. When the OFM works on one it takes at least two months and usually longer in warm weather. It takes longer in warm weather because he does other neat things like fishing, hiking and photography when it is not cold outside.

So last night when we were looking at the content of the new books we settled in to scan all the over 100 pages of opportunity. So a snack of incredibly great food was prepared to help us get through the evenings “work”.

A bowl of cantaloupe and a mug of hot green tea to help us through the difficult chore. We sure do lead an exciting life don't we.

Everyone have a great evening and sleep well.


  1. To decide to keep the Castle or buy something else I would pray for wisdom,I hope you will be happy in any case,-Mary

    1. Since the castle is not a model built anymore, choosing some other model is our only choice when the time comes.

  2. The problem with most of the newer RVs. is they are not built as sturdy, nor do they have the same insulation package. Not happy with the Insulation in the RV we took out west, a friend with a similar model but made by Keystone as an Avalanche. His propane and AC use confirmed how good it was. Something to check out.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
