
Free Grapes





DATE: AUGUST 13, 2024

Basically it was a nice easy day today. The OFM went to the office today to ask a silly question after he learned of an old fellow leaving the campground yesterday. The person on duty was able to confirm that as far as they knew the OFM is now the oldest person staying in the campground. There are several folks in their early 70s in here.

The morning air was nice and cool when we started the walk/garbage effort. It was a surprise when we saw the ripe grapes on the walking path.

Every year they fall from the grape vines way up in the tall trees along this path and make a mess on the path. So now it is time to watch out for slipping on the grape slime on the walking surface for a month or so.

Anyway it was a very nice walking morning and we were feeling good and just kept on walking and suddenly we were at this resting bench.

We sat for a short while and enjoyed the view out across the water looking east at I-65 headed south. We hope to be on that road in a few weeks when the weather out west starts to cool down some.

Then we hopped up and headed back to the Castle. At the Castle we started the computer and plotted our path to see how far we walked. It was only 2.89 miles and a delightful morning.

The rest of the day included an afternoon nap WITHOUT a timer to wake the OFM. Turned out to be an hour and a half nap so we must have needed some extra rest for some reason. However the nap was wonderful.

The next big deal is the new tooth crown due to be installed on Thursday. Just one more thing out of the way for traveling. We are monitoring the weather so we can time our traveling for cooler weather.

But tonight is good sleeping time. Good night folks.

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