
OFM Is A Newbie Again!





DATE: AUGUST 21, 2024

We had wonderful walk in the nicely cool air this morning. It was last year the last time the OFM could make the whole 3.5 mile loop of the golf course area. BUT we did it with no real trouble today.

Here are a couple pictures from the new to you trail. This is a picture of the thousands of white flowers over on the new section of our walk.

Then this is a bench along the trail to show you how dense the vegetation can be back here in the woods near the Tennessee River.

The temperature for the first twenty minutes made the OFM glad he had on his windbreaker but the minute the sun got up well into the trees that wind breaker was just something to carry the rest of the way home. There were plenty of folks on the trail this morning so you could here many GOOD MORNINGS being exchanged as we walked. Lots of nice friendly folks walk out here.

The rest of the day was a bit blaah but comfortable inside or outside the rig. We needed to get a travel schedule worked out for certain details to let the campground know our planned coming and being gone. Very few of the long time campers here understand that there is a whole world of rving that does not want to sit still in one spot for years at a time. My statement was something to the effect of of I plan to leave on Sept 15 and then be back Nov 1 until Nov 18 for a grandkid event and then be gone a few months and then return for next summer some day in May. That was way out of her experience about camping. She is a very nice lady and good at her job but this was a new concept of just running around instead of going some where for a week or two trip and coming back to the same spot every time. But we got it worked out and the OFM realized he has to be careful talking to these nice folks about full timer style of travel scheduling.

We do not make reservations usually and when we do it is only a couple of weeks ahead of time and at peak season time. They also have no concept of boondocking for longer than a night at Walmart. In the 16 months we have been stuck here the OFM apparently has forgotten some full timer things he did automatically during the 16 years of full timing he has enjoyed. We need to be careful for a bit to not make any bad mistakes. WE also hope to not need such a long time not traveling again.

We hope everyone will have a great day tomorrow. Good night.

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