
Straightening Up The Credit Card Loss Mess


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 31, 2024

The caulking did not progress today since we thought that it might rain on the new caulk before it dried and get washed away. So of course it did not rain today. But we accomplished some good considering and lightening our load. Then we did some catching up on what the lost credit card was causing trouble for us in our accounting system. When we look back at today it was a lot of progress.

A main item was to get the stuff printed and put in Sierra so we will have all the necessary papers up to date and with us if a policeman stops us for some reason. Then several other little nuisance things got cleaned up. Now when our new card gets here in about three weeks we will be in great shape paperwork wise on all our business for rolling. Some where during all that frustrating morning mess the OFM decided he needed a break so he got in a 2.5 mile break walking around the area here near the campground.

Now all of our bookkeeping and legal keeping junk are straight and it feels great. During lunch and off and on we were thinking of where we will want to go on September 15. After perusing many more possibilities we decided on a loop through upper eastern New Mexico where the OFM was born and finish the year at Falcon County's free camping near Roma, Texas. It is also the location of a nice fishing lake named Falcon Lake that is famous for its fishing and warm in January.

We looked through the blog and found this picture that shows what the free camping area is like .

And now we are going to kick back and rest for a day of trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow. We are trying to get the OFM back into RVING mood again.


  1. Hi Barney, it seems you are getting hitch itch and thats a good thing. Take care buddy.

    1. Yep today marks a whole year at one place. OCT 7, 2007 is when I left the last long term place in Washington State.

  2. Having everything ready to go, will ensure having tooooo much fun while you are away.
    Wishing I could be as defined on the rolling date.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your preparations.

    It's about time.
